Meet Alaric - Newborn Photo Shoot in new home studio!
Doo doo doo doooo! Introducing... BABY Alaric!
I'm still flying high from a super adorable newborn shoot. The good-lookin' little guy in front of the lens is the son of Sheena and
Alaric naps while we do some camera trickery to make this shot look like he is holding his own head up!
Speaking of which, these parents were so much fun to get to know. From the way that they picked out this super unique baby name to swapping life stories, our time together flew by.
As for baby Alaric, he was a little angel but only slept peacefully through the a few minutes of our session. I'm not gonna lie. When he showed up bright eyed and active, I thought the session might have turned out a little tricky, but the parents were super helpful and were able to rock him to sleep.
Time for a little aww moment: When Alaric was born, what was your first thought? “How cute his little nose was and how happy I was he was finally here.,” says Sheena. Isn't that precious? Alaric is such a lucky kiddo.
How was your experience having your newborn photographed? Were you nervous or worried before? How did it turn out?
“We were a little nervous since he is our first, but after being there and all of us working together it turned out to be a really good shoot with really great photos.”
What would be your advice to someone getting newborn photographs taken?
“Be patient. Work on baby time not your time.”
What kinds of things did you worry about before and during the session?
“How we were going to get the best photos even with the moments he was crying.”
What's the first thing that ran through your mind when you both found out you were pregnant?
“I couldn't believe it because we were trying so hard and wasn't getting pregnant, then we stopped trying and I got the positive test. Dad was completely shocked and filled with joy all at the same time.”
Did you bring a sentimental item to our shoot? If so, what was it and please share why it's such a special item for you.
“Yes, we brought a tux that his dad got his baby photos taken in. We are trying to start a family tradition with it.”
Okay, no more talking (or would that be typing?). Check out little Alaric for yourself!
I love this little smile as they comforted him.
“Sara did absolutely amazing with my newborn photos! She was more than willing to work with me due to just having my little one and having to go to Dr appointments.y fiance and I loved how patient she was during the whole session. When my little one got hungry she was perfectly fine with pausing and allowing me to breastfeed. She made sure to capture all of the precious moments during the shoot. I highly recommend her 😊😊”
Ready to book your newborn shoot?